brava magazine

INTRAPRENEURSHIP -this is not a typo ;-)

Learn how harnessing the entrepreneurial spirit & practices fuels employee engagement and increases innovation. 

THE JILLS are joining forces with the fabulous Brava Magazine gals at the 2017 Women's THRIVE Career Workshop Series:

Intrapreneurship: How Thinking Like an Entrepreneur Can Spark Explosive Results Within Your Organization.

Intrapreneurship is on the rise in the US and around the world, and it’s no wonder! As entrepreneurial thinking offers a way to spark creativity, fix problems, build collaborations, and get things done effectively, efficiently and based on evidence, why not bring this mindset into every organization? And why not start with you!

Join THE JILLS OF ALL TRADES™ Co-founders, Megan Boswell and Corinne Neil, as they start you on a path to becoming an intrapreneur. Through collaborative discussions, hands-on activities and guided instruction you’ll be able to bring an entrepreneurial mindset to your work, and your organization, no matter your position or your profession. In this workshop you will learn the basics of the entrepreneurial mindset and chart a course for implementing these strategies in easy and practical ways.

  • Learn why leading entrepreneurs like to ‘get out of the building’, and how you too can improve customer engagement, spark innovation, improve job satisfaction, and build better collaborations and partnerships with this philosophy.

  • Explore and utilize the Business Model Canvas to better understand the business of YOU and proactively reset your career so you can be more effective, efficient and energized at work.

  • Reframe your thinking about failure and understand the benefits of growth mindset thinking, why it’s critical for entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, and how it can help you solve problems and open you to new experiences.

  • Understand why collaboration is the new competitive advantage and develop techniques for improved collaborations.

  • Discover the importance of community as a foundation for implementing successful agile processes and productive feedback loops.  

  • Learn to embrace problems as the critical first step for innovation.

You’ll leave this workshop having laughed, learned and explored intrapreneurship in a practical and engaging way.  You’ll also gain a toolkit of entrepreneurial basics and a brand new mindset to take with you to work the very next day.


"It's About Women Championing Other Women"

A special shout-out to BRAVA Magazine for featuring THE JILLS OF ALL TRADES™.



By Kate Bast | Photographed by Kaia Calhoun, Styled by Julie Mierkiewicz | Brava Magazine 

Megan Boswell and Corinne Neil first met at a neighborhood meetup, and that was all it took for an idea to spark between them. The inspired duo launched their business and online platform called The Jills of All Trades to connect independent female professionals with each other and businesses on project-based work. They hope it will become a national, even international one-stop shop—“a powerhouse of online talent,” says Neil (right).

It fills a need, says Boswell (left), in this age of the shared economy, where companies are trying to figure out how to embrace workers who are less tethered to their jobs thanks to technology and a desire for greater flexibility, balance and different ways of collaborating and sharing resources.

The pair has worked in both the corporate and freelance worlds. Of the latter, they deeply know: “It’s hard,” says Neil, “to do the work while also hunting for the next job and trying to self-promote when you’re only one person.” The Jills’ platform removes that barrier, getting female contractors, freelancers and consultants out of those limited work silos and into a visible network with large-scale promotion power.

The Jills’ network is membership based. Boswell and Neil help each member curate her professional bragging rights, with bios, statements and headshots. Member Jills connect with each other at events and meetups, and have the benefits of a built-in peer network, for community, but also for potential collaboration on each other’s projects. Interested businesses connect directly with each Jill—there is no middle man, or woman—and Boswell and Neil also offer a fee-based connection curation service for clients.

The Jills’ broad talent pool includes creative types like designers and photographers, along with business strategists, attorneys, engineers and even postdoctoral scientists looking to market their expertise to the corporate world.

THE JILLS Cofounders, Megan AC Boswell, Corinne Neil, Brava Magazine : Women Entrepreneurs Solo Professionals, Freelancers, Consultants,  Resource Network

But it’s not just a job network. At its core, says Boswell, “It’s about women championing other women." 


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