founder stories

PODCAST LISTEN-UP: On Starting-Up, Standing-Up + Never Giving-Up

PODCAST LISTEN-UP: On Starting-Up, Standing-Up + Never Giving-Up

THE JILLS OF ALL TRADES™ Co-Founders, Megan Boswell and Corinne Neil recently joined James Kademan , host of the Authentic Business Adventures Podcast series for a rolicking and candid hour in the studio to share their start-up story, their decision to be female-focused despite lots of advice to do otherwise, and how a night out with the gals for a glass a wine can be rich ground to uncover your next business idea. READ MORE & LISTEN IN…

Why Women Need to Stop Asking for Permission to be Entrepreneurs

Why Women Need to Stop Asking for Permission to be Entrepreneurs

This past week had us at one of our most favorite events of the year - the annual WARF UpStart Alumni dinner. We’re graduates of this free entrepreneurship program for women and people of color, and the very first iterations of THE JILLS OF ALL TRADES™ came to fruition while we drafted and revised our Business Model Canvas throughout this 10 week program.

UpStart was an important step into entrepreneurship for us.