
Say sayonara to your sofa and & say hello to Deskpass

Say sayonara to your sofa and & say hello to Deskpass

Okay gals, we love working from home just as much as you, but to lead the future of work, we're going to need to ditch the yoga pants and the pyjamas once in while and get out of the house. 


Quick 5 minute reads to keep you up to date on trends, tools, and tips for the solo professional.

We love giving props to women entrepreneurs helping other entrepreneurs. It is the future of work and the realm of all independents. In today's JILLS 5 post, we recommend taking a few minutes out of your day to read about Kimberly Lexlow and Jess Legge, Co-founders of Sifted, an email sorting service, as they open up about the benefits of investing in a coworking space and the need for more women to consider doing the same. 

4 Reasons Why More Women Should Join a Co-Working Space | Entrepreneur |